We specialize in cigarette making & packing machines. We also deal in spare parts and services related to the tobacco industry, and supply used tobacco machinery.
Royal Industry is a part of Capital Holding Group.
Machinery for Sale
We are a complete one stop solution, especially for new companies, as we provide a full range of machines.
Cigarette Making Lines

Molins MK-9 Cigarette Maker with Max S
Cigarette Maker: MK-9.5 Tobacco Cigarette Making Machine
Filter Attachment: Hauni Max – S Filter Assembler with Mass Flow Tray Filler
Machine Speed: 4500 – 5000 Cigarettes Per Minute
Default Setup Size: Standard 84 mm
Weight: 7,800 Kgs. (Approx.)

MK-8 D Cigarette Maker with Max 5
Cigarette Maker: MK-8 'D' SM with Double Knife & Double Color Printer
Filter Attachment: Hauni Max 5 (11/17 Infeed Unit) 90mm Tipping Drum with 8 Head Tipping Knife
Machine Speed: 2600 – 2800 Cigarettes Per Minute
Default Setup Size: Standard 84 mm / 100mm / Slims / Superslims / Nano
Weight: 4,000 Kgs. (Approx.)
Cigarette Packing Lines

Molins MK-8 Post 64 with Max 3 Multiroll
Cigarette Maker: Molins MK-8 'Post 64' with Double Color Printer
Filter Attachment: Hauni Max Multiroll
Machine Speed: 1800 – 2000 Cigarettes Per Minute
Default Setup Size: Standard 84 mm / 100mm / Slims / Superslims / Nano
Weight: 3,500 Kgs. (Approx.)

Molins HLP 1 Packing Line (120’s Packer)
Complete Packing Line consists of HLP-1 Packer + Scandia Wrapper with Molins/ Sasib Boxer and Over Wrapper.
Speed: 120 Packs per Minute

Nano & Super Slims 100mm HLP 2 Packing Line (160’s Packer)
Complete Packing Line with Siemens S-7 PLC consists of HLP 2 Packer + CP-1 Wrapper with Molins / Sasib Boxer and Over wrapper.
Speed: 180 Packs per Minute

Round Corner HLP 2 Packing Line (180’s Packer)
Complete Packing Line with Siemens S-7 PLC consists of HLP 2 Packer + CP-1 Wrapper with Molins / Sasib Boxer and Over wrapper.
Speed: 180 Packs per Minute

HLP 2 Packing Line (180’s Packer)
Complete Packing Line with Siemens S-7 PLC consists of HLP 2 Packer + CP-1 Wrapper with Molins / Sasib Boxer and Over wrapper.
Speed: 180 Packs per Minute
Filter Rod Makers

Cigarette Reclaimer
Cigarette Reclaimer Machine recovers tobacco from waste cigarettes, Tobacco, filters and paper are processed over one side of the twin lane
Soft Pack Lines

Molins PM-5

Sasib 5000 (100mm Hard Packer)

Sasib 6000 (84mm)
Tobacco Cutters

Sasib 3000 (84mm & 100mm)

Tobacco Stem Flatner
Spare Parts, Trays, Trolleys

Hauni KT-400

Tray Filler for MK-9 & Max S

Tray Filler for Mark-8 & Max

Plastic Cigarette Loading Tray for 84mm Cigarettes
Model: 700/84
Outer Dimensions: 695 x 400 x 105 mm
Inside Dimensions: 670 x 385 x 90 mm
Our Partners
Over the years we have worked hard to earn the trust of our business partners.

Contact Us
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
You can also reach us at our phone number and email address below.
Phone: +359 887 40 40 60
E-mail: office∂royalindustry.bg
Address: 1 Rogoshko Shosse str, Plovdiv